
My Favorite Things: Food Edition

          A series about the things Thalia likes, why she likes them, and where you can find them!

I'd like to quickly document and share with you some of my favorite food items that keep me nourished and healthy day to day! This is not a cookbook or a diet, darling. This is quite literally 5 of the most beloved items in my fridge.

1. Eggs from Atlanta Harvest

I drive to Ellenwood, GA every other Sunday to buy two dozen eggs from a Black Jewish family farm. They play funk or jazz or whatever they're in the mood for. They're superrr sweet and are clearly very passionate about what they do.

Now, those eggs? Fresh ain't the word. It's very apparent those are real happy and healthy chickens. Them eggs are brown and naturally vary in size and the whites-to-yolk ratio is unlike anything I've gotten out of Sam's or BJ's. My breakfast game has elevated to new heights since I started making my trips down there. It's worth every mile.


2. Chicken Sausage from Halal Madina Market

I drive to Fayetteville Rd about once a month to visit a Black Muslim family-owned butcher shop. They're literally making the sausage in the back, in clear sight of the customers. It's literally all the halal meats your heart desires. But the star of the show is the chicken sausage.

They stopped making their small breakfast sausage links (they said they goin bring them back soon tho so fingers crossed), but they have these larger chicken sausage links and listen to me closely when I say that they are soooo flavorful and sooo juicy and suchhh a pleasant addition to my plates in the morning. Their turkey bacon cool too, but baby there's a clear winner in them fridges.

$6.49/pack of 3 large links

Bacon on sale for $4.99/pack as of May 23, 2023

3. French Vanilla Oatmilk Creamer from Planet Oat

I saw this for the first time a few months ago in the Kroger on Ponce. They're so finicky over there that one week they'll have Planet Oat, the next week they'll only have Silk left, or chile one day it was literally only Califia Farms in the dang non-dairy creamer section!!!

But I saw this and, as I was already a fan of their caramel oatmilk creamer, I decided to try the French vanilla kind. One of one. The creaminess, the subtleness of the flavors, the restraint in sweetness. It helps my morning coffee do what it needs to do without drowning my pancreas with sugar. Whenever I see it, I get it. And whenever I don't, I'm hurt (but I just get whatever they have lol plant-based creamer is hard to come by these days, especially in my neighborhood.)

$4.99/32 fl oz

4. Raisin' the Roof Breakfast Bread from Dave's Killer Bread

There really isn't much that needs to be said about the good folks over at DVB. But I owe this one to my Instacart shopper offering this as an alternative when they didn't have the Good Seed breakfast bread. I was weary at first, but now this is the only bread I buy. This with the raspberry jam from Atlanta Harvest??? With some chia seeds on top??? Undefeated.


5. Okra/Greens

These two really have to tie because I love them both. I'll eat them literally on any day. I'll eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'll eat the okra boiled, sauteed, or air-fried. Whole or cut. It don't matter.

Though okra is now my actual favorite food rn, greens had the upper hand for close to two decades. When my grandmother figured I had had enough formula, she began to mash up cornbread, soak it in potlikker from the greens, and feed it to ONE-MONTH-OLD Thalia. I guess she was on to something, cuz I've been eating greens ever since.

$idk, the Nam Dae Mun on Memorial usually has it for $2.99/lb but Wayfield sometimes has some for $1.99.

Honorable mentions:

  • Blueberries from BJ's
  • Raspberries from Sam's
  • Avocados from Sam's/BJ's
  • GoMacro protein bars from wherever you can get em(but only when they're on sale)

Anywho, that's what's in Thalia's fridge that brings her lots of joy at meal times! Wishing you pleasant meals, a more gracious relationship with food, and all the potlikker your heart desires!