about  Me

         (in practice) a hopeless romantic. (in another life) the lead guitarist of a rock band. (in my mind) a lone adventurer sailing the seas in a small boat. (in my heart) a child of God seeking to honor Him in everything I do. (in reality) a girl that truly just wants to have fun.

         The Disco is a digital dance floor built by Thalia Monet' to serve as an outlet for self-expression and a channel through which she can sharpen her skills as a writer, designer, editor, and creator.
Ta da
photo by Asia Reese
I am
I am a young Black woman here to   dance. I'm here to return to my beginnings   and rekindle the flame between myself and the written word. You're cordially invited  to bear witness to me.
Ground Rules

Don't yuck my mf yum.

I don't expect the people I'm sharing this blog with to ever disrespect me like this, but I think it's important to set this boundary anyway. This is my space, my little corner of the internet. Please don't come up in here like this yo house!!! Cuz it ain't. If you don't like something I say or disagree with me, that's okay. But don't tell me. Idcccc.


Engage with me!

I know I said this is more of a personal creative expression exercise, and that's completely true. BUT if you have any constructive feedback on the blog as a whole (readability, accessibility, a bug I need to fix) or you want to have a conversation about a piece I wrote, please feel free to text me or email me. I'd 100% love to chat about it or to hear what resonated with you. Maybe over coffee? <3


Ain't nothin really bout you fr.

Adding this for people like me. It's super easy to take things personally or to internalize things people say. I encourage you to roam about this space with the assumption that nothing here is about you and 100% about me. If I am telling a story and want to include a friend, I'll likely omit their name to protect their privacy if they want me to. So tl;dr, I just be living and talking lol. It's literally me, not you.


This disco allows +1s!

If you read a piece that's really cute, I'd love it if you shared it with your friends! If you find the newsletter brings a weekly dose of joy to your life, share it with your people! Like a tune on one of the playlists? Drop it in the group chat! This is for me, but all y'all can dance if you want to.

Daily Life at